First, it divides a DC voltage to the preamp IC power generating a control signal KHZ level all the way to the front stage power tube driven by a control signal so that the high-frequency switching power transistors continue to produce low-voltage high-frequency transformer primary alternating current (AC although this time voltage is low, but the frequency is very high, the purpose is to make the post-stage transformer generates a voltage proportional to the voltage of a high frequency pre-and post-stage output, of course, but also in power tube can withstand the frequency range) through high frequency transformer output frequency alternating current and then after fast recovery diode full bridge rectifier output a high frequency of several hundred V DC power to the rear stage of control signal 50HZ about then generated by the post-stage IC to control the post-stage power tube work and output 220V50HZ ac
Of course, a complete 12v car inverter also need some protection circuits such as high and low temperature protection Input voltage overload protection and filter circuits in high-frequency circuit filter is also important to be prone to a number of high-frequency interference and parasitic coupling it is necessary to filter circuit to filter In addition to these factors to increase the stability of the circuit